There should be 10 hot dogs.  I confess I ate one before it could get its blanket. ;)
I made a Quesadilla out of the remaining dough. Very yummy too!

MIRACLE DOUGH TIPS: - Please note:USE BOB'S RED MILL COCONUT FLOUR FOR ALL MY RECIPES AND ESPECIALLY FOR THIS MIRACLE DOUGH - COCONUT FLOURS DIFFER GREATLY IN THEIR ABILITY TO ABSORB MOISTURE!  There are several variations of this kind of dough on the internet, but mine is different to all the others out there.  I am getting very adept with this dough.  Use a fork to make it come together.  At first it looks impossible (might even have strings of cheese in it), but keep mixing and then turn out on a cutting board.  Knead for a couple of minutes, adding a bit of coconut flour as needed to make a lovely elastic dough. The more coconut flour one can add (usually about 1 tbsp or a bit more), the more bread-like the dough becomes (more substantial).  Since coconut flour is mostly fiber, you're not really adding much in the way of carbs, spread over several servings.  I put the dough ball on parchment paper and cover the dough with plastic wrap and using a  rolling pin (sometimes I use my special small one for pie dough), roll it out with ease.  If at any time the dough becomes resistant to rolling, nuke it approximately 10  to 20 seconds and away you go again!

Here is a pic of the dough ball - lovely, soft and malleable!!

Mozzarella cheeses that I have successfully used with the Miracle Dough and The Sweet Miracle Pastry Dough as well.  I get mine from Price Smart in Central (technically South America) America, which is the same as Costco in the United States.

I tried this one with success as well as whole milk shredded cheese (my preference)


The miracle dough works real well to make this favorite! Find a tasty hot dog that you like.  I like the Berard® brand that we find at the equivalent of Costco over here, although it has 3 grams of carbs per hot dog!  I think one could do better than that, but I do like the quality of these. Someone on Facebook alerted me to Applegate hot dogs (organic, nitrite free and zero carbs).  In that case the carbs will drop by 3 grams per serving.  It is best to pre-cook the hot dogs a little, as they will be in the oven for too short a time, in my opinion.  The crust is crispy underneath.  These are rather addictive!  I had to have two, but they are really filling, A simple salad on the side would suffice.

Note:  You could also use mini hot dogs to make fun appetizers or cut these in quarters to achieve the same thing...those kinds of appetizers are usually very popular.  You would need to roll a smaller rectangle of course...half the size probably.   I am thinking roll rectangles and cover more completely, then cut them.  I will try that idea sometime soon.

For a Grain-Free Version:  See the Helpful Hints below.

Are Hot Dogs bad for you due to the nitrates?  Read this!

10 hot dogs, 41/2 inches long (11 cm)
  {3 grams carbs, 1.6 oz (45 g)}*
Miracle Dough:
2 cups grated Mozzarella cheese (500 mL)
2 tbsp melted butter
1 cup Gluten-Free Bake Mix 2 (no gelatin required), OR (250 mL)
  almond flour plus 1 tbsp (15 mL) oat fiber
1 egg, fork beaten
1/tsp onion salt (1 mL)
1/tsp garlic powder (1 mL)

12 oz Mozzarella sticks (340 g)

Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C).  

In boiling water cook hot dogs about 6 to 7 minutes, so that they don’t puff up or lose their shape.  Remove and allow to cool. 

Miracle Dough: In microwave oven in microwaveable bowl, melt Mozzarella cheese about 2 minutes in my 1200 Watt microwave oven. Remove with oven gloves (be very careful!).  Add melted butter. Place Gluten-Free Bake Mix 2, OR alternative on top. In small bowl, beat egg with fork.  Add onion salt and garlic powder.  Add to Mozzarella cheese. Stir with fork or mixing spoon to form a dough ball. 

Measure five balls of dough weighing 2.5 oz (70 g) each.  Place dough on parchment paper, cover with plastic wrap and roll out.  Roll each dough ball out into a 6-inch (15 cm) wide by 8-inch (20 cm) long rectangle. Cut in half with a serrated knife on the diagonal, so that you have two triangular-type shapes. Place a 1.2 oz (34 g) piece of cheese in each hot dog (slice a vertical slit down the length of each hot dog (use a serrated knife – easier!). Place hot dog at the broader side of the rectangle and fold the pointy side over the hot dog, and seal.  Cut any extra bits off and set aside.  You can add it to the next ball and repeat. (NOTE: If the dough becomes difficult to roll when it has cooled off significantly...place in microwave oven about 10 seconds and it will roll out with ease again).

Place all pigs in blankets on a greased cookie sheet and on the middle shelf in the oven.  Bake about 12 minutes, or until the crust underneath is a lovely golden color (you don’t want to burn them, so check them very closely after 9 minutes has passed).  In the beginning I checked mine every minute after the 9 minute mark.  You can take them out briefly to check.  I have discovered that 12 minutes does the trick.

Helpful Hints:  *I used the Berard® name brand of hot dogs which have 3 grams of carbohydrate each.  I’m not sure if one can find hot dogs with fewer carbs than that.  These are very tasty hot dogs.  It’s hard to just have one hot dog.  I ended up having two and sharing another later in the day with my husband.  They are rather addictive.  

Helpful Hints:  For a Grain-Free version, use a bake mix made up of 2 cups (500 mL) almond flour and 2/3 cup (150 mL) coconut flour.  Use 3/4  cup (175 mL) of the mixture.  Or, simply use 2/3 cup (150 mL) almond flour and 2 tbsp (30 mL) coconut flour for each batch of Miracle Dough.  Simple!  I still prefer the Miracle Dough goodies made with the Gluten-Free Bake Mix, however, this is an very lovely option.  I have tested this Grain-free bake mix...but not the simplified version for each batch of dough...however, I can't see why it won't work. :)

Yield:  10 pigs in a blanket (If using Applegate Hot Dogs, Organic, No nitrates, no carbs, subtract 3 g)
1 hot dog in a blanket
372.7 calories
20.0 g protein
29.6 g fat
0.0 g fiber
6.8 g net carbs/3.8 g net carbs (using Applegate Hot Dogs)  Also Phillie's hot dogs (Philadelphia)

Grain-free version 5.8/2.8 g net carbs